Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Talk with your kids

I wanted to share this site because it sends a very simple and powerful message: talk with your kids before everyone else does!
I had one of those conversations this morning as I was helping Anjali into the car. She said " I wish I was the same color as all my friends." I totally knew what she meant but pretended not to and asked her what color she meant and she pointed me to the Cheerios and said "that color". I got the message clear! I asked her what was wrong with her color and she said 'nothing'. And I talked to her about how beautiful she was just as she is. Quite honestly, I was not prepared for her to ask 'that' question. But Portland is such a fair skinned city that I can understand why she feels left out, especially when the whole class slaps on sunscreen. Even the smattering of non white kids we know are mixed-race. I might have to launch a more aggressive everyone can be/look different yet beautiful campaign.

1 comment:

zobars said...

Hi Roshanthi,
First time on your blog. Came here thru Design Mom blog thru the comment you left and guess what we live in the same city well I am in the suburbs of course. I was so touched by this post. I am from India and it is so much nice to hear from another mom who feels like more needs to be done about this. Hope we can keep in touch I am not too much active on my other blog but you inspire me.