Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This note greeted me when I arrived back home last week. Since I rarely travel for work it brought tears to my eyes that I had not seen my daughter in two days. It’s hard to remove myself from the role as Ammi who makes sure her clothes are laid out the night before; breakfast is ready, teeth brushed, etc, etc. When you are traveling alone (through airports especially) you find yourself with more time to ponder what its like to be an individual. I have been engrossed in reading this book by Adele Barker: Not Quite Paradise: An American Sojourn in Sri Lanka which led me to think about the importance of simplifying life (she has a whole chapter on how she learned to live with ants). This wiki how was a catalyst to my thoughts. I like #3 Do less each day, and #9 Create solitude. #4 is my favorite, Leave space between tasks and appointments. As a mother you don’t get much solitude, but the opportunity to live in the moment, for every hug, smile and the “I love you more than hot lava coming out of a volcano.”

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